星期五, 12月 24, 2010

Tossug 2010 新年遊戲:12/28 晚上在 #tossug IRC 聊天室玩白象交換禮物


想體驗在 IRC 上搶禮物的滋味嗎?
曾經有 Vim 的馬克杯喔!
2010 12/28 晚上 20:00 我們在  #tossug IRC [1]

報名網址: http://registrano.com/events/tossug-2010-gift-exchange

1. 每人準備一份禮物,價值在新台幣 300 元左右。
2. 主持人會事先聯絡每個參加者索取禮物實體的照片一張和包裝後的照片一張。參加者必須發揮創意,讓其他參加者無法從包裝後的照片猜出禮物是什麼。
3. 在交換禮物開始前 30 分鐘到 5 分鐘之間進入 irc.freenode.org 的 #tossug 頻道報到,未及時報到者主持人得取消其參加資格。
4. 開始交換禮物時,主持人將所有禮物的包裝照片展示在網頁上,讓所有參加者觀看。主持人事先會對每個禮物編個序號。
5. 遊戲分回合進行,由主持人抽籤或以電腦亂數決定各個回合的起手人。
6. 第一回合的起手人從所有禮物中選一個禮物,主持人即將其「拆封」,也就是將禮物的實體照片公佈在網頁上,第一回合結束。
7. 第二回合起手人可以選一個禮物,或搶走第一回合的禮物。

A. 再搶另一個人的禮物,但不可以把剛離手的禮物搶回。
B. 選一個還沒拆封的禮物,則本回合在主持人將其拆封後結束。
8. 同一回合最多可以有 N 次選禮物的機會,第 N 個人一定要選一個未拆封的禮物。一般 N = 3,但可以由參加者在開始遊戲之前共同決定。
9. 最後一回合開始前,在參加者同意下,主持人可以先拆封最後一個禮物。
10. 當每個人都有一個禮物時,遊戲結束。每個人事後再將禮物寄送給獲得禮物的人。

想參加的朋友,請在報名後將禮物拆封圖與包裝圖寄給 fourdollars+tossug-2010-gift-exchange@gmail.com,未在活動開始前寄到者視同放棄參加資格。


星期六, 12月 11, 2010

【12/21 TOSSUG 特別聚會】白象禮物交換 White Elephant Gift Exchange

[English below]
** 歡迎轉寄 **
不曉得什麼是白象禮物交換的朋友可以先閱讀一下 維基百科 [1]
想要參加禮物交換的朋友請用 http://registrano.com/events/48ab94 報名
報名: http://registrano.com/events/48ab94
時間: 2010/12/21 星期二,活動時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: 白象禮物交換
語言: 中文/英文
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費: 店家的低銷兩百元以下,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant_gift_exchange
*** Please feel free to circulate. ***
If you don't what is white elephant gift exchange, please see WikiPedia [1].
If you want to join this event, please register on http://registrano.com/events/48ab94
And prepare a boxed gift that cost about NTD $300 or USD $10.
If you don't want to participle gift exchange, you can still come to see how we play.
Registration: http://registrano.com/events/48ab94
Time: 2010/12/21 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: White Elephant Gift Exchange
Language: Chinese/English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: Some fee requested by restaurant below NTD 200. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant_gift_exchange

星期六, 12月 04, 2010

【12/7 TOSSUG 特別聚會】Pasi Nieminen: MeeGo 的簡介、機會和進展

[English below]


** 歡迎轉寄 **

感謝 John Lee 的牽線,在 12/7(下週二)的 Qt Conference [1] 之後,特別商請 Nomovok 公司 [2] 的執行長 Pasi Nieminen 先生 [3] 來土虱和大家非正式地聊一聊他對 MeeGo 的想法,對 MeeGo 很好奇嗎?已經入手 MeeGo 但還有一些困惑嗎?聽聽已經深度投入的人/公司的經驗,也許會有不一樣的收穫喔!

以下是 John Lee 提供的資訊的中譯。

Pasi Nieminen 是 Nomovok 的執行長。Nomovok 是位於芬蘭的 open source 嵌入式系統公司,正在歐洲和亞洲進行幾個 MeeGo 的專案,最大的客戶是 Nokia。Pasi 自 1990 年代就開始開發 open source 軟體,過去十年致力於 open source 軟體的商業推展,過去這年則是完全投入 MeeGo。

他希望和台灣對 MeeGo 開發有興趣的開發者 [4] 聚一聚、建立起對話,他說他「基本上熟悉 MeeGo 的一切」,包括技術面和商業上的展望,如 Nokia、Intel 等公司的計劃。

時間:  2010/12/7 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  MeeGo 的簡介、機會和進展
主講人: Pasi Nieminen
語言:  英文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
[1] Qt Conference @ Taipei: http://qt.nokia.com/about/events/qt-conference-taipei-2010
[2] http://www.nomovok.com/
[3] http://fi.linkedin.com/pub/pasi-nieminen/0/188/2b9
[4] 我個人的解讀是:開發者 = 任何想用或已經用 MeeGo 開發的人,包括但不限於工程師、學生、業餘愛好者、專案經理人等等。



*** Please feel free to circulate. ***

Thanks to John Lee, we'll have a special meetup on 12/7 right after the Qt Conference at Taipei [1]. Mr. Pasi Nieminen [3], the CEO of Nomovok [2], will come to Tossug for an informal talk and chat on MeeGo. If you are curious about MeeGo, or if you are developing your software with it but still are confused, maybe you'll get some insights or answers from someone who has deeply involved in MeeGo.

The following is introduction provided by John.

Pasi Nieminen is CEO of NOMOVOK. The company is specialiced to Open Source in embedded devices, and works on multiple MeeGo projects in Europe and Asia. Pasi has been in Open Source development since '90 and last 10 years just focused for commercial deployments of OSS, last one year fully focused to MeeGo.

He would like to meet with FOSS developers in Taiwan who are interested in Meego development. He said that he knows pretty much everything about Meego. That includes both the technical side and the business aspects such as Nokia, Intel, etc.

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/1c8a24
Time:  2010/12/7 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: introducing MeeGo: informal intro of MeeGo and related development
opportunities and latest development
Speaker: Pasi Nieminen
Language: English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期三, 10月 06, 2010

【10/12 TOSSUG Jserv 讀書會】Jserv–回顧 GNU/Linux 中文資訊化進展與未來機會

[English Below]
講題: 回顧 GNU/Linux 中文資訊化進展與未來機會
Topic: Review of the Chinese Information Processing for GNU/Linux

摘要: 中文資訊化是個歷久彌新的題材,即使底層的資訊系統有了充分的發展,仍然有諸多新挑戰得克服。本議程以一個使用者的觀點,簡要回顧
GNU/Linux 中文資訊化過去十幾年的發展,並且談談若干未來可能的機會
Summary: It is still essential about Chinese Information Processing
even nowadays when the infrastructure is fully developed. We indeed
have to face several challenge and fatal issues. This session is
expected to go through the past years' efforts on Chinese Information
Process and discuss the future possibility.

(1) CLE 歷史背景與階段性目標
(2) 中文資訊化焦點:資訊交換規範、輸出架構、輸入法、印列排版等
(3) 區域性自由軟體成果,以及國際化發展模式
(4) 未來的機會:平台整合與關鍵元件的分工、考量到移動裝置與雲端

(1) The brief history of CLE (Chinese Linux Extension)
(2) The focus of Chinese Information Process: encoding, output, input,
printing, etc.
(3) Review of localized open source software and How can we leverage
the international community
(4) Future possibility: mobile and cloud computing

Jim Huang,在網路上慣用暱稱是 "jserv",秉持「吃自己的狗食」(Eat My Own Dogfood)
原則,因自身需要,參與了新酷音輸入法, SCIM, JMCCE, UCIMF, SDL-im 等中文資訊化相關的自由軟體專案

時間: 2010/10/12 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: 回顧 GNU/Linux 中文資訊化進展與未來機會
主講人: Jserv
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/78520e

Time: 2010/10/12 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: 回顧 GNU/Linux 中文資訊化進展與未來機會
Speaker: Jserv
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期四, 9月 09, 2010

【9/14 TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會】Timothy–File API 與 AJAX 檔案上傳

[English Below]

使用 AJAX 的方式上傳檔案可說是 Rich Web App 的最後一塊拼圖,長久以來一直仰賴 iframe 或是 SWFUpload
之類的 Flash 外掛補完,直到近期現代瀏覽器才提供相關的 API 可供利用。
這次的讀書會,講者將介紹使用 HTML5 各 API 來製作 AJAX 檔案上傳控制項,以及不同版本瀏覽器的實作方式、功能偵測與 graceful degradation。

時間: 2010/09/14 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: File API 與 AJAX 檔案上傳
主講人: timdream
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

The ability to send files using the AJAX way is one of the last
missing piece to complete the map of rich web application controls.
For a long time, we often rely on SWFUpload or iframe to do the job -
until recent HTML5 APIs implementation in modern browsers.
This week, the speaker will talk about his research on implementing
these APIs to build an AJAX file upload control, while carefully walk
through feature detection and graceful degradation.

The talk will be given in Mandarin. English talk can be given with
audience consensus.

Keywords: Ajax File upload, FileReader, FormData, binary XHR, DragDrop API

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/226a30

Time: 2010/09/14 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: File API and AJAX Upload
Speaker: timdream
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期日, 8月 22, 2010

【8/30 TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會】LCamel –ToyVNC

[English Below]

HTML5 標準有許多新功能. 在這次讀書會中, 我們將以 ToyVNC 這個實作了 VNC 遠端桌面的小專案為例,
來看看這些新功能的性能與限制. 並且也看看當我們把操弄桌面的能力交給 JavaScript programmer 之後,
會變出什麼新的把戲.... ?


* VNC 簡介
* Demo
* WebSocket
* Canvas

時間: 2010/08/31 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: ToyVNC
主講人: LCamel
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


The HTML5 standards incoporate many new features that programmers had
long-awaited. In this talk, we will take ToyVNC -- an implementation
of the good-old VNC desktop sharing system -- as an example to explore
the possibility and limit of these new features. By empowering
programmers to manipuate a remote desktop within the browser, let's
see what will happen ...

* Introduction to VNC
* Demo
* WebSocket
* Canvas

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/a2e934

Time: 2010/08/31 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: ToyVNC
Speaker: LCamel
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期二, 8月 10, 2010

【8/17 TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會】與 HTML5 大師近距離對談

[English Below]
Opera 首席網路標準長(Chief Standards Officer)Charles McCathieNevile 和網路標準專家謝子斌先生兩位大師此次遠道從西班牙和挪威前來台灣參加 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 聯合研討會,在會後特地多留幾天,期待與台灣本地開發者有深度的對談。Tossug 的 HTML5 讀書會系列活動有幸能請到兩位大師,在 Opera 公司的大力支持下,舉辦這次特別的活動。預計將在 HTML5 和 CSS3、DOM、硬體等等技術上有更多的著墨。
如果您將會參加 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 的 HTML5 議程但想更進一步、或是心中有想法想和頂尖專家交流切磋,這就是您的機會了!
- 時間: 8/17(二)19:00 - 21:00, 可交流至 22:00
- 地點: 台北市忠孝東路四段285號 5F(捷運藍線忠孝敦化站和國父紀念館站之間)
- 活動名稱:與 HTML5 大師近距離對談
- 大師: Charles McCathieNevile 和謝子斌先生
- 活動形式: 演講、座談、自由交流
- 費用: 免費
- 其他: 現場備有免費 Wifi、飲料與點心
- 報名: 請上 http://registrano.com/events/70c495 網頁報名

The Chief Standards Officer of Opera Software Charles McCathieNevile and Web Evangelist Zi Bin Cheah are coming all the way from Spain and Norway to Taiwan to give talks in the COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 conference. They have decided to stay a few more days to have a more in-depth dialog with web developers in Taiwan. With tremendous support from Opera, I'm honored to invite both of them to the very special HTML5 Journal Club of Tossug. They will address technical issues of HTML5 such as CSS3, DOM, device API and so on.
If you will attend the HTML5 session of COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 and wants to go further, or you have ideas about what HTML5 should/can do and want to talk with world leading experts, this is your opportunity!
- Time: 8/17 (Tuesday) 19:00 - 21:00, mingle until 22:00
- Place:  5F, No. 285, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei (between Zhongxiao Dunhua and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall stations)
- Event name: Up close with HTML5 masters
- Masters: Charles McCathieNevile and Zi Bin Cheah
- Event format: Speech, panel and mingling
- Charges: None
- Misc: Free wifi, drinks and snacks will be available
- Registration: Please register on http://registrano.com/events/70c495

星期六, 7月 17, 2010

[7/20 TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會] OOO ─ HTML5 The Missing Part

[7/20 TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會] OOO ─ HTML5 The Missing Part

[English Below]


HTML5 是 HTML 標準的一大變革,規範內容不再只包括標籤語言本身,還加入了現今網頁發展所需求各種的 API ,而除了大家所注目的 API 外,在 HTML 標籤的部份也針對三個方向做了不少功夫:1. 跟隨語意網的趨勢做了不少新標籤與既有標籤的再定義。 2.網頁表單的強化。 3. 多媒體相關的標籤。 這次讀書會我們將焦點放在這三部分,看看到底多了什麼新東西,會為未來的網路世界帶來怎樣的影響。

1. 語意網
2. HTML5 標籤的語意
3. Web Forms 2.0
4. 其他新標籤



時間: 2010/07/20 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場

主題: HTML5 The Missing Parts

主講人: OOO (Othree)

語言:  中文

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,

有名片的朋友記得帶到。注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


Topic: HTML5 The Missing Part

HTML5 is a great revolution of the html standards. It’s not limited in the markup language anymore. It defines lot of APIs for present web needs. Everybody is focus on these rich APIs. But on the markup language. HTML WG also make a lot of work on three parts: 1. HTML for sematic web. 2. Web forms 2.0. 3. Multimedia elements. We will talking about these new things in this meeting. See what it will change the web world in the future.

1. Semantic Web
2. HTML5 new element and its meaning
3. Web Forms 2.0
4. Other new elements

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/5ed66e
Time: 2010/07/06 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: HTML5 The Missing Part
Speaker: Othree
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期四, 7月 01, 2010

【07/06 TOSSUG 心得分享】clkao –Websockets 與即時網頁

[English Below]

題目: Websockets 與即時網頁

WebSockets 是 html5 中提供 server 和瀏覽器間雙向通訊的 API, 同時也是即時網頁重要的一個標準.
在本次讀書會中, 將會介紹傳統用來達成即時網頁的一些方式和他們的問題, 以及 WebSokets 如何解決這些問題. 我們也會展示一些支援
WebSockets 的 server side 套件, 讓大家看看如何實作一個簡單的即時網站.

- "comet" server-push 技術
- websockets 簡介
- websockets 範例
- 支援 websockets 的套件與網站框架

時間: 2010/07/06 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: Websockets 與即時網頁
主講人: clkao
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

Topic: WebSockets and the Real-Time Web

WebSockets is the htm5 api for bi-directional communication between
servers and browsers, and is a crucial part of the real-time web. In
this talk we will address the traditional server-push technologies and
their issues, and how WebSockets improves them. A few server-side
implementations will be showcased so you can see how to build a simple
real-time web site.

- "comet" server-push technologies
- websockets introductions
- websockets examples
- frameworks and packages supporting websockets

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/a0cfeb
Time: 2010/07/06 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: WebSockets and the Real-Time Web
Speaker: clkao
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期五, 6月 18, 2010

【06/22 TOSSUG 心得分享】ericsk –Geolocation API & CSS3 Visual

[English Below]

HTML5 的出現,帶給網頁設計許多新的可能性,而強化頁面顯示、互動效果的 CSS3 也因
此吸引到網頁開發者的注意。過去可能要透過貼圖、外掛、JavaScript 才能做到的效果
,在支援 CSS3 的先進瀏覽器下可能只需兩三行的 CSS code 就可完成。這場演講主要在
向各位展示如何利用 CSS3 製作更生動的網頁介面。
另外同場加映 HTML5 中的 Geolocation API 的介紹,說明如何利用這套 API 達到開發
LBS 應用程式的目的。

. Geolocation API 介紹

. CSS 歷史簡介

. CSS3 視覺效果 - 漸層 (gradient) - 反射 (reflection) - 過場特效
(transition) - 形變 (transform) - 動畫 (animation)

. 範例及展示



時間: 2010/06/22 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場

主題: Geolocation API & CSS3 Visual Effects

主講人: ericsk (上官先生)

語言:  中文

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,

有名片的朋友記得帶到。注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

報名人數限制:60人 超過者得待以報名者進入場地允許方可入

As HTML5 topics become more popular, the effect made by CSS3 alsoattracts
people's eyes. Without CSS3, some visual effects (e.g.,transition, gradient,
...) should be implemented in plugins, images and so on. Now, you can use
CSS3 to create these effectswith few lines of codes in modern browsers. This
talk will introducehow to use CSS3 to present visual effects.
In addition, I will introduce the Geolocation API. It's usefulfor
implementing LBS applications.

. Geolocation API

. CSS intro

. CSS3 Visual Effects - gradient - reflection - transition - transform -

. Samples and Demos


Registration: http://registrano.com/events/b940e5

Time: 2010/06/08 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm

Topic:Geolocation API & CSS3 Visual Effects

Speaker: ericsk (上官先生)

Language: Chinese

Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.

Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期六, 6月 05, 2010

【06/08 TOSSUG 心得分享】freedom - HTML5 A/V: 《黃昏三鏢客》

為什麼賈伯斯說 Flash 該死,將來是 HTML5 的時代?
這是第一場 HTML5 的讀書會,所以身為第一場主講,我會簡單描述
HTML5 的概觀:HTML5 將如何改變你的生活?
接著談論主題,HTML5 <video>。討論會從最簡單的
<video src=foo.mp4> </video> example 開始。

最後你會知道 <video> 這功能有多強大、多花俏,
只需要幾行 JavaScript 就可以達成。我還會談論到
如何在 iPhone/iPad, Android 使用 <video>。

目前 HTML5 槓上 Flash 的話題非常的火爆,我們也會
談論到。或許 還會聊到 WebM 的八卦?

題目:HTML5 A/V: 《黃昏三鏢客》The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
-HTML5 概觀
-HTML5 VS. Flash
-HTML5 <video>功能
-HTML5 在iPhone/iPad與Android的實做

時間:    2010/06/08 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:    HTML5 A/V: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
主講人:  freedom (Dr. Tan)
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。



HTML5 A/V: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
This is the first meeting of this HTML5 reading group, so
as the first discussion leader, I'll give a brief overview of
HTML5, such as, what HTML5 is and why HTML5 is
gonna change your lives.

Then I'll talk about HTML5 <video>. The discussion will
start from a simple <video src=foo.mp4> </video> example.

Finally, you will know how to have some fancy <video>
playback with just few lines of JavaScript. I'll also cover
how <video> works on iPhone/iPad and Android.

Since HTML5 versus Flash is still hot, we'll cover it a bit.
And maybe mumble about WebM?
- HTML5 Overview
- HTML5 VS. Flash
- HTML5 <video> function
- HTML5 Example on iPhone/iPad and Android

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/bdb4aa
Time:  2010/06/08 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: HTML5 A/V: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
Speaker: freedom (Dr. Tan)
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.


Koan-Sin Tan is a veteran open source / unix user. He learnt to use
simple Basic programs on Multitech MPF-II (宏碁 小教授二號) in
early 1980s, then learnt to use and write code for Unix on a VAX-11/780
running 4.3BSD in late 1980s. He was involved in organizing the
first two Open Source Workshop (which became ICOS Taiwan) in
1999 and 2000.

星期六, 5月 01, 2010

【05/04 TOSSUG 心得分享】Thinker - SVG + Gecko 完全攻略

[English below]

您參加了今年的 OSDC.TW 嗎?是否因為平行議程太多而錯過了 Thinker、Chihchun、黃昭龍的演講?或是沒報到名?還是很有興趣、想要更進一步了解?

您的機會來了!Thinker 將在 5/4 下週二到 Tossug 深入介紹他和幾位朋友開發的 SVG + Gecko 的 GUI 系統,想認識、了解、使用或參與這麼有意思的專案嗎?那還不快上報名網頁 http://registrano.com/events/1854be

題目: SVG + Gecko 完全攻略

摘要: 說到 GUI,很多人都想到 qt/gtk 等 toolkit 。然而,在很多情況裡,這些工具都幫不上忙。原因是,美工和 UI
designer 能想出來的介面,遠遠超過這些 toolkit 所能提供的。本次的分享,將提供另一種途徑。以 SVG 為基礎,為 UI
deisgners 、 artists 和 programmers 創造更和協的環境。

 - SVG 介紹
  - XBL 介紹
 - 使用 xulrunner
  - xulrunner 應用程式
  - 相關開發工具
 - 範例

時間:  2010/05/04 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  SVG + Gecko 完全攻略
主講人: Thinker
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。



Did you attend the OSDC.TW conference this year? Did you miss the talk by Thinker, Chihchun and Chao-Lung because of too many parallel sessions?

Maybe you didn't register in time? Or you have listened to their talk, and wanted to learn more about it?

This is your chance! Thinker will come to Tossug next Tuesday (May 4) to deep dive into the GUI system he and friends developed based on SVG + Gecko. Want to know, understand, use or participate in such a cool project? What are you waiting for? Register for the talk at http://registrano.com/events/1854be immediately!

Topic: Conquer SVG + Gecko completely

Talking about GUI, many people think about toolkits like qt/gtk.
However, none of these tools can help in many situations because the
user interface designed by artists and UI designers are far beyond the
capabilities of these toolkits. We'll introduce a different approach in
this talk: a more cohesive environment created for UI designers,
artists and programmers based on SVG technology.

 - Introduction to SVG
  - Introduction to XBL
 - Using xulrunner
  - xulrunner applications
  - related development tools
 - Examples

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/1854be
Time:  2010/05/04 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: Conquer SVG + Gecko completely
Speaker: Thinker
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (
http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期四, 4月 01, 2010

【04/06 TOSSUG 心得分享】jserv: LLVM 力 -- 軟體的價值由編譯器決定

[English below]

我真的懶得寫了,講者是 jserv 耶!大家說說看,還需要我介紹嗎?更何況神級的 jserv 早在四個禮拜!四個禮拜前就把簡介大綱寫完了! m(_._)m

大家就不用看我囉嗦,直接看 jserv 寫的簡介吧!

簡介: 當今資訊建設中,無論硬體架構為何,軟體開發可說清一色為 framework 導向,從 iPhone、Netbook、到大型伺服器交易系統,無不都思考如何更多元、更安全、更有效率地發揮硬體特性。當編譯器技術走入新的層次時,就需要更強大且多元的 Toolkit/framework。去年筆者已在 OSDC.tw 的〈窮得只剩下 Compiler〉探討過資訊技術的典範移轉 (paradigm shift) 與突破限制的可能性,今年則打算透過實務的開發,探討編譯器嶄新的革命。改編女王的話:「請您一定要相信:軟體的價值由編譯器決定,我們當然可以活到老、Coding 到老」。

- 如火如荼發展的 LLVM
- 動手用 LLVM:不是為了取悅硬體而寫編譯器,而是為自己而寫編譯器
- LLVM 為基礎的自由軟體專案回顧


時間:  2010/04/06 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  LLVM 力 -- 軟體的價值由編譯器決定
主講人: jserv
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。



I'm happy to announce that jserv is coming to talk about LLVM next week. He is so famous that I don't need to introduce him anymore. The following is his introduction to his talk, translated by me. Any mistakes are my own.

No matter what the hardware architecture is, it is safe to say that the development of software on top of it is framework oriented nowadays. From iPhone, Netbook to large scale transactional server systems, people all are trying to squeeze the last drop out of the hardware more securely, more efficiently and in more ways. When the compiler technology steps up to a new level, stronger and more diversified toolkits/frameworks are called for. I have given a talk "compiler is all I have" one the paradigm shift of information technology and the possibility of a break through in OSDC.tw last year. I'd like to discuss the brand new revolution of compiler technology via pragmatic development this year. Rephrasing the words of the Queen: "You must believe: the value of software is decided by compilers. We can surely keeping coding until we're old."

- LLVM on a soar
- Hands-on LLVM: writing compiler not to please hardware, but for oneself
- An overview of free software projects based on LLVM

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/f189d1

Time: 2010/04/06 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: LLVM force -- the value of software is decided by the compiler
Speaker: jserv
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期三, 2月 24, 2010

【03/02 TOSSUG 心得分享】Juha Lindfors: Introduction to the openremote project

[English below]

你想用 iPhone 或 Android 手機遙控家裡的電器嗎?

感謝 wycc 的介紹,我們很高興邀請到 openremote.org 的 Juha Lindfors [1] 來 Tossug,親自向大家介紹 openremote.org 這個開放源碼專案。

    demo: http://www.youtube.com/user/openremote#p/a/u/0/kOp07U82cRs

    Juha Lindfors 目前熱血在衝居家自動化的開放源碼軟體,在加入 openremote.org 之前,他是 JBoss [2] 的核心開發者,身兼 JBoss 顧問、講者和 JBoss 訓練單位的協理,還行有餘力出了一本 Java Management Extensions 的書 [3]。


    打造「智慧住家」(Smart Home)所需的居家自動化技術,目前多半用的是專屬的技術和協定,缺乏互通和替換性。因為廠商想要把顧客鎖在他們自家的產品裡,顧客很難自行客製化或擴充產品的功能,這常常造成裝機成本的上升。

    OpenRemote 是個用 GPL 授權釋出的開放源碼專案,想要打造一個居家自動化的自由開放平台。它是基於 Linux 和 Java runtime 的一個中介軟體,可以在一般 PC 上執行。OpenRemote 社群把好幾種居家自動化的協定和設備整合起來,希望能解放智慧住家的真正潛力,而且讓一般人都負擔得起。

    Juha 將會從基本的居家自動化開始講,並把 OpenRemote 專案的現況介紹給大家。

    時間:  2010/03/2 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
    主題:  Introduction to the openremote project
    主講人: Juha Lindfors
    語言:  英文
    地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
    消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
    注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

    [1] Home page: http://www.juhalindfors.com/
    [2] JBoss project page: http://www.jboss.org/
    [3] JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions, http://www.amazon.com/JMX-Managing-J2EE-Management-Extensions/dp/0672322889/ref=sr_1_3



    We're happy to have Juha Lindfors [1] for the next Tossug experience sharing. He'll speak on "Introduction to the openremote project".

    Juha is working in the home automation field and starting up http://www.openremote.org. Earlier he was involved with JBoss [2] as one of the core server developers, a JBoss consultant, an instructor and a JBoss training director. At some point he also managed to author a book on Java Management Extensions [3].

    Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/8e93da
    Time:  2010/3/2 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
    Topic: Introduction to the openremote project
    Speaker: Juha Lindfors
    Language: English
    Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
    Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
    Notice: Free WiFi is available.

    Abstract of the talk:

    OpenRemote is an Open Source effort to create an open and free platform for home automation. The smart homes of today are mostly based on proprietary technology and protocols that lack interoperability. This is driving up the cost of installation as vendors attempt to lock their customers into solutions that are difficult to extend and customize.

    OpenRemote is a software stack based on Linux and Java runtime installable on commodity PC hardware and under the GPL license. Our community integrates various home automation protocols and devices under a single, open platform. The goal is to unlock the true potential of smart homes at affordable prices. This talk gives an introduction to home automation and the current state of the OpenRemote project.

    [1] Home page: http://www.juhalindfors.com/
    [2] JBoss project page: http://www.jboss.org/
    [3] JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions, http://www.amazon.com/JMX-Managing-J2EE-Management-Extensions/dp/0672322889/ref=sr_1_3

星期三, 1月 13, 2010

【01/19 TOSSUG 心得分享】Scott Tsai 蔡彰人 - QEMU USB Device Emulation Through USB/IP

[English below]

我們很高興邀請到在消費性電子業界打滾多年的 Linux Hacker: Scott Tsai (蔡彰人)[1]

他是 FreedomHEC Taipei 2009 [2] 活動的籌辦人之一,本身也是硬底子的軟體工程師,平時多與國外的開發者直接交流,專長為 Device Drivers, Linux Kernel, ISO 13818, DVB, Set-Top Box, TV,如果有參加過 FreedomHEC Taipei 2009 的話就會知道那兩天之中來了許多國外重量級的 Linux Kernel 開發者,其中一天 Linux 的重量級開發者 Greg KH [3] 介紹了如何寫一個 USB 溫度計的驅動程式,有些與會者甚花了 TWD 1500 買了那隻 USB 溫度計,而 Scott 將在這次的心得分享當中,介紹如何用軟體去模擬那隻硬體的 USB 溫度計。

修改 QEMU 原始碼使其可以模擬 USB device 端,而非 USB host 端的 controller 硬體。例如當我們將手機透過 USB 接到電腦時,電腦是 USB host,手機是 USB device。做完此工作的用處是可以用模擬器,而不必用實際硬體進行 USB device protocol 開發。手機常支援但 Linux kernel 內 USB gadget driver 目前沒有實作的 device class 包括:
* 數位相機用的 media transfer protocol
* Android 自訂的存取 shell 與拷貝檔案用的 adb protocol

* The QEMU emulator and its target market
* USB host and device support in QEMU
* Previous attempts at extending USB device support in QEMU
* The USB/IP project and protocol
* USB device controller hardware interface
* Connecting it all together
* What it takes to productize this work and merge it upstream

時間:  2010/01/19 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  QEMU USB Device Emulation Through USB/IP
主講人: Scott Tsai (蔡彰人)[1]
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

[1] http://scottt.tw
[2] http://freedomhectaipei.pbworks.com
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Kroah-Hartman



We're happy to invite Scott Tsai [1] for the next experience sharing.

Scott is a Linux hacker who has been working in consumer electronics for many years. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to hardware and related software. His expertise is in device drivers, Linux kernel, ISO 13818, DVB, Set-Top box, and TV. He participates in related mailing lists and knows many developers outside Taiwan. He is one of the organizers of the FreedomHEC Taipei 2009 [2] where many Linux kernel developers from abroad attended.

Linux developer Greg KH [3] introduced how to write the device driver for a USB thermometer in FreedomHEC Taipei 2009, and some participants bought the thermometer with TWD 1500. Scott will introduce his work on emulating that USB thermometer with software in QEMU.

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/455ec3
Time: 2010/1/19 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: QEMU USB Device Emulation Through USB/IP
Speaker: Scott Tsai [1]
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

Abstract of the talk:

I'll introduce modification of QEMU source codes to emulate USB device instead of controller hardware on the USB host side. In case you are not familiar with USB, the USB host on a computer to cell phone USB connection is the computer, and the USB device is the cell phone. With the emulator equipped with the USB device emulation, you can develop and test your USB device protocol without using hardware. The device classes that cell phones often support but the USB gadget driver of Linux kernel doesn't implement includes:
* the media transfer protocol of digital cameras
* the adb protocol defined by Android for shell access and file copy

* The QEMU emulator and its target market
* USB host and device support in QEMU
* Previous attempts at extending USB device support in QEMU
* The USB/IP project and protocol
* USB device controller hardware interface
* Connecting it all together
* What it takes to productize this work and merge it upstream

[1] http://scottt.tw
[2] http://freedomhectaipei.pbworks.com
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Kroah-Hartman