星期二, 12月 22, 2009

【12/29 TOSSUG 心得分享】Amir Salihefendic: Comet with node.js

[English below]

下個禮拜二(12 月 29 日)不是 Tossug 的例行心得分享時間,但機會難得,特別加開一場!

我們很高興請到 Plurk 的 Lead Developer、新釋出的 Plurk API 的設計人 Amir Salihefendic 來 Tossug 和大家見面,他要向大家介紹他最近在玩的 node.js 這套用 Google 的 V8 引擎執行的 evented I/O javascript。演講時間 7:30pm - 8:30pm,聊天時間到 10:00pm。想用同一種語言寫 server side 和 client side 的程式嗎?有 Plurk API 或其他 Plurk 的問題,想問 Amir 嗎?趕快報名吧!

時間:  2009/12/29 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  Comet with node.js
主講人: Amir Salihefendic (http://www.plurk.com/amix)
語言:  英文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea 二樓 (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


node.js [1] 是個架在 Google V8 Javascript 引擎之上的事件驅動式的輸入輸出模組(evented
I/O)[2]。V8 是最快的 Javascript 虛擬機之一,node.js 用最佳的方法利用了 V8。

講者將會介紹 node.js 和實作 Comet 型態 [3] 的 chat 的實例。

[1] node.js:  http://nodejs.org/
[2] evented I/O: 用 event 和 callback 而不用 multi-thread 實作 server
的方式,twisted 是知名的一個這樣實作出來的 web server。
[3] comet: 一種讓 web server 可以把資料 push 到瀏覽器的做法,見



I'm happy to invite Mr. Amir Salihefendic, the Lead Developer of
Plurk, to talk about an open source software that he has been playing
with, the evented I/O javascript package node.js. You definitely
should check it out if you like the idea of using the same language to
implement both the server side and client side programs. The talk will
start at 7:30 and end with Q&A around 8:30. You can stay to mingle
with the speaker and audiences until 10pm.

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/917fca
Time:  2009/12/29 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: Comet with node.js
Speaker: Amir Salihefendic (http://www.plurk.com/amix)
Language: English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

The following is an abstract of the talk provided by the speaker.

node.js is evented I/O built upon Google Chromes's V8 JavaScript
virtual machine. V8 is one of the fastest JavaScript virtual machines
ever built and node.js exposes V8 in the best ways.

There will be an introduction of node.js and an example of how to
implement a comet based chat.

星期四, 11月 26, 2009

【12/1 TOSSUG 心得分享】Tom Wai-Hong Tam: Chromium OS

[English below]

下個禮拜二(12 月 1 日)我們很高興請到 Google 的 Chrome OS 工程師
Tom Wai-Hong Tam 來向各位介紹 source 剛出爐、還熱滾滾的 Chromium OS。
有 netbook 的人可以到現場試試看,也許可以試用 USB 開機。

時間:  2009/12/1 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  The Chromium OS
主講人: Tom Wai-Hong Tam
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea 二樓 (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


1. Chromium OS 簡介
2. 小小展示一下
3. 主要特色:速度
4. 主要特色:保全(security)
5. 開放源碼資源
6. 如何編 Chromium OS
7. 問答



I'm happy to invite Mr. Tom Wai-Hong Tam, an Chrome OS engineer in
Google, to talk about Chromium OS whose source was opened to the
public last Thursday.

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/2b8c33
Time:  2009/12/1 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: The Chromium OS
Speaker: Tom Wai-Hong Tam
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

The following is the outline of the talk.

1. Introduction to Chromium OS
2. A small demo
3. Key feature: Speed
4. Key feature: Security
5. Open source resources
6. How to build Chromium OS
7. Q&A

星期六, 6月 06, 2009

【6/9 TOSSUG 心得分享】Eric, Frank, OneDollar: Tryneeds-Chinese

[English below]

下個禮拜二(6 月 9 日)我們很高興請到三位想讓 open source 軟體更在地的朋友:
Eric、Frank 和 OneDollar(不是 FourDollars 喔!),來分享他們建置的 tryneeds

時間:  2009/6/9 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料
主題:  Tryneeds-Chinese
主講人: Eric, Frank, OneDollar
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )  *地下室*
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


Try自由軟體怎麼可以沒有中文呢? 這正是Tryneeds-Chinese 中文化平台最單純的成立動





此外, 教育類自由軟體與自由教材也是我們努力的目標之一. 從找尋適當的軟體與教材,
進行中文化, 到編寫使用手冊. 以 Gchemutils (Gchempaint) 為例, 這是 Gnome 下的化
學軟體,包括週期表, 立體分子看圖, 平面繪圖等功能,
適用於高中生大學生及研究生. 跟上游連絡取得同意後放到 Tryneeds 上由團隊成員進行
翻譯, 完成後提交給原作者. 2009 年 3 月份所釋出的新版中, 原作者已經將我們的中文
化檔案放到套件裏, 就這樣, 大家分工合作, 讓更多人可以使用正體中文化的化學軟體.
而 PhET 是非常受到學校老師歡迎的自由授權的教材, 目前我們正在逐漸的進行中文化,
希望可以提供學生, 家長, 老師, 及教授們方便學習與教學的環境.


(1) Tryneeds計劃緣起與相關計劃
(2) Tryneeds中文化共筆平台簡介
(3) 另一個不容忽視的中文化議題-自由教材中文化
 (如PhET http://phet.colorado.edu)



I'm happy to invite Eric, Frank, and OneDollar to talk about the tryneeds
system that they created for localization of free software next
Tuesday (June 9).

Time:  2009/6/9 (Tuesday), 7:30pm -
Topic: Tryneeds - Chinese
Speaker: Eric, Frank and OneDollar
Language: Chinese
Place: *Basement* of Mix Coffee & Tea
(http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )

The following is a partial abstract and outline of the talk provided by the
speakers, translated to English by pingooo.

How can there be no Chinese when someone tries out a free software?
This is the simplest motivation for creating the Tryneeds-Chinese
localization platform.

We hope that, by establishing the Tryneeds localization wiki platform,
everyone can contribute to localization. We have completed the initial
stage of building the platform, and it is open for testers. Everyone is
welcome to participate and send comments to us at tryneeds@gmail.com.

Besides localization, free software and free content for education are also
our goals. We identify proper software and content, localize them, and
write user's manuals. Gchemutils (Gchempaint), a chemistry software
for periodic table, 3-dimensional molecule geometry and 2-dimensional
drawings. It works in Gnome and can be used in high school and universities.
We have localized it on the tryneeds platform.


(1) The creation of Tryneeds and related projects
  - WeStart
  - Wekey-wiki
(2) Introduction to the Tryneeds wiki platform
  - Concept
  - Technologies used for building the platform
  - Features
  - Future plans
(3) Localization of free contents
  - PhET as an example

星期六, 5月 02, 2009

【5/5 TOSSUG 心得分享】jserv: 身騎 LLVM,過三關 《注意:在 Mix 二樓》

[English below]

下個禮拜二(5 月 5 日)我們很高興請到 jserv 來和大家談談在 compiler 技術上的新
知 - LLVM 和相關的技術。

有鑒於以往的演講經常被送餐的小弟干擾,為了維護心得分享的品質,請務必提早 20 分
鐘以上到場點餐,也可以趁分享開始前的時間認識新朋友。  :)

時間:  2009/5/5 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料
主題:  身騎 LLVM,過三關
主講人: jserv
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )  *二樓*
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


編譯器技術從1960 年代發展至今,已是電腦科學最成熟的基礎之一,且不斷地成長與蛻
變,透過 open source,GCC 與 LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) 計畫獲得空前的成
功,累積驚人的編譯器技術。儘管 parser 是 compiler 的關鍵技術,但今日,我們會著
重於打通任督二脈的技術展現,過去耳熟能詳卻貌似獨立的項目,比方說 virtual
machine, binary translator, JIT compiler, HotSpot JVMd Optimization), ...
,透過 LLVM 一類的整合性技術而一瀉千里。本意成由 0xlab 成員 jserv 分享在這個嶄
新的資訊應用中,LLVM 扮演的角色,並探討 LLVM 相關的技術成果。


(1) Compiler 大不同 -- 走向 Binary translation, virtualization, JIT/VM 等嶄新
(2) LLVM 核心元素
   * 虛擬指令集/IR
   * 高度整合的編譯器技術元件 (analyzer, code emitter/generator, JIT compiler,
   * 完整的工具集合 (assembler, debugger, linker)
(3) 技術展示
   * Doom (written in C) running on Adobe Flash / Web Browser
   * Doom (written in C/SDL) running on Android / Dalvik VM
(4) 淺談開發趨勢

* http://0xlab.com/
* http://llvm.org/
* http://blog.linux.org.tw/~jserv/archives/002090.html (jserv 部落格:「演講:
  窮得只剩下 Compiler -- 淺談編譯技術的革命」)
* http://www.slideshare.net/jserv/what-can-compilers-do-for-us (jserv
在 OSDC.tw 2009 演講的簡報檔)



I'm happy to announce that jserv will come to Tossug to talk about
LLVM next Tuesday (May 5).

Time:  2009/5/5 (Tuesday), 7:30pm -
Topic: Riding LLVM through 3 gates (ask a Taiwanese friend for the
story behind "riding a white horse through 3 gates"  :)
Speaker: jserv
Language: Chinese
Place: *Second floor* of Mix Coffee & Tea
(http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )

The following is the abstract and outline of the talk provided by the
speaker, translated to English by pingooo.

Since 1960s, the compiler technology keeps growing and changing, and
is a solid foundation of computer science now. GCC and LLVM (Low Level
Virtual Machine) has accumulated stunning technologies and achieved
unprecedented success through open source. Although parser is a key
component of compiler technology, we're putting more emphasis on the
demonstration of end-to-end development. Technologies that have been
well known but seemingly independent with each other, like virtual
machine, binary translator, JIT compiler, HotSpot JVMd optimization,
and so on, are now integrated by technologies like LLVM and go a long
way. Jserv, a member of 0xlab, will share with audiences his knowledge
about the role of LLVM in this brand new application, and discuss the
achievements of LLVM related technology.

(1) Drastically different compiler - brand new application model
towards binary translation, virtualization, JIT/VM, etc.
(2) Core elements of LLVM
  * virtual instruction set / IR
  * highly integrated compiler components (analyzer, code
emitter/generator, JIT compiler, GC)
  * complete tool set (assembler, debugger, linker)
(3) Technical demo
   * Doom (written in C) running on Adobe Flash / Web Browser
   * Doom (written in C/SDL) running on Android / Dalvik VM
(4) Trends of software development

Related web pages:
* http://0xlab.com/
* http://llvm.org/
* http://blog.linux.org.tw/~jserv/archives/002090.html (jserv's blog:
"Talk: No possession but compiler - revolution of compiler
* http://www.slideshare.net/jserv/what-can-compilers-do-for-us
(jserv's slides in OSDC.tw 2009)

星期日, 4月 05, 2009

【4/7 TOSSUG 心得分享】gasolin: Android 應用程式設計大不同

[English below]
自從 Google 於 2007 年 12 月公佈 Android 這個手機平台計劃以來,新聞就沒有間斷
過。而 2008 年 10 月份 Google 依之前的承諾公開了 Android 的原始碼,更引起了不

Android Market 上有個非常有用的應用程式: aTrackDog,可以幫 Android 使用者追
蹤裝在手機裡的應用程式的版本,當新版出現在 Android Market 上的時候會自動通知

下個禮拜二(4 月 7 日)我們請到 aTrackDog 的開發者之一,Gasolin,來和大家分享
他在設計 Android 應用程式上的體會,尤其是 設計 Android 應用和設計一般應用的不
同之處,Gasolin 也會做出比較,不論您以前是否設計過手機上的應用程式,一定都會

順便打書一下... Gasolin 最近剛出書「Google!Android 手機應用程式設計入門」,
想索取作者簽名的人,禮拜二是個好機會唷!(咦?這是 Tossug 的第一場簽書會耶!)

時間:  2009/4/7 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料
主題:  Android 應用程式設計大不同
主講人: Gasolin
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )  *地下室*
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


Android 是建構於 Linux 平台之上的應用程式框架。Linux 一般應用程式直接負責處理
記憶體配置、調用系統功能等動作,而 Android 應用程式則不同。Android 應用程式是
透過 Android 框架,來處理各種資源或呼叫其他 Android 應用程式。本演講中會將
Android 應用程式與一般應用程式設計作比較,來察看 Android 應用程式與一般應用程
式設計的差異。並了解設計 Android 系統架構時的抉擇,如何影響了 Android 應用程

* 與 Linux 應用程式對比
* Android 框架
* Android 應用程式功能
* Android VM
* Android 應用程式生命週期
* Android 應用程式展示




I'm happy to announce that Gasolin, a major developer of the aTrackDog Android
application and the author of the book "Google!Android 手機應用程式設計入門"
(Introduction to Google! Android Application Design), will come to Tossug to
talk about Android application development and the differences with developing
traditional applications next Tuesday (April 7).

Time:  2009/4/7 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm.
Topic: Android Application Development -- not the same as other mobile apps
Speaker: Gasolin
Language: Chinese
Place: *Basement* of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )

The following is the abstract and outline of the talk provided by the speaker.

Android is an application program framework built on top of Linux.
Ordinary Linux applications are responsible for things like allocating
memories, calling system calls, and so on, but not for Android applications.
An Android application deals with resources or calling other Android
applications through the Android framework. In this talk, I will compare
Android application development with ordinary application development, and
talk about how the design choices of Android system architecture affects the
development of Android applications.

* Contrast with Linux applications
* Android framework
* Features of Android applications
* Android VM
* Life cycle of an Android application
* Demo of Android applications

Related web pages:

星期四, 3月 05, 2009

【3/10 TOSSUG 心得分享】WalkingIce: 淺談 Edje of EFL

[English below]

好久不見的 Enlightenment Window Manager,原來有秘密計劃?

下個禮拜二(3 月 10 日)我們請到 WalkingIce 來和大家分享 Englightenment 釀了好
久的好酒:Enlightenment Foundation Libraries,不論您是否要開發圖形介面應用,相

時間:  2009/3/10 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料
主題:  淺談 Edje of EFL
主講人: WalkingIce
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea ) *地下室*
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


Enlightenment,一個歷史悠久的 Window Manager,在 1996 年首次釋出。
開發者在 2000 年開始嘗試全新的 E17,至今經過八年多的時間,E17 步趨成熟。
在這段時間內,主要開發者投注極大心力在 EFL 身上 (Enlightenment Foundation
Library)。EFL 乃 E17 的基石,提供了完整的函式庫,致力解決所有與圖形介面有關的
工作。Edje 便是其中一項,將使用者介面與程式邏輯分開,常常聽見的 Design
Pattern: MVC 架構在 Edje 中可以很輕易地被實現,甚至可以做到抽換介面, 只需更
換一個檔案,程式的介面即刻截然不同。這也是主要開發者之一,Raster 的極大心願:

「Designer 專心於外觀,Programmer 專心於邏輯」。

這一次的分享,著重在 Edje 之上,介紹 Edje 的思考邏輯以及使用方式。
輔以簡單的實作,希望能幫助大家一探 EFL 的美妙。

* EFL 的歷史與現況
* 如何取得 EFL
* 淺談 EFL 的各個函式庫
* 如何使用 Edje




WalkingIce will come to introduce Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
next Tuesday. The following is the introduction and outline of the talk.

Time: 2009/3/10 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm.
Topic: Introduction to Edje of EFL
Speaker: WalkingIce
Language: Chinese
Place: *Basement* of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )


Enlightenment, a Window Manager with a lot of history, was released
for the first time in 1996. The developers started working on E17 in 2000.
After 8 years, E17 is getting mature. During this period of time, the main
developers have contributed a lot of effort into EFL (Enlightenment
Foundation Libraries). EFL, the cornerstone of E17, provides a complete
set of libraries for tasks related to graphical user interfaces. Edje is a
part of EFL. It enables separation of user interface from program logic.
The well known design pattern of MVC architecture can be easily realized
with Edje. Replacing the user interface only requires replacing one single
file. This is the biggest wish of Raster, a main developer:

"Designer focuses on the look, programmer focuses on the logic."

We will concentrate on Edje in this talk: the philosophy of Edje and
how to use Edje. Hopefully the addition of some simple example
implementations can get you started with the beautiful EFL.


* The history and current status of EFL
* How to get EFL
* Introduction to various libraries of EFL
* How to use Edje

Related links:

星期一, 2月 02, 2009

【2/3 TOSSUG 心得分享】Fred: 雲朵般的 gOS

[English below]

迎接牛年,先在這裡祝您 Happy 牛 Year!心想事成!

2007 年 11 月,一則新聞引起了許多 Linux 愛好者的注意:美國最大的連鎖賣場 Walmart 開賣 $199 元的桌上型

PC,這款型號為 Everex TC2502 gPC 的電腦由大眾電腦子公司 Everex 製造,作業系統則是用 Linux 打造而成的

gOS。有些部落客盼望這是 Linux 進入大眾市場的分水嶺,而 Walmart 宣布庫存的 10,000

台機器在兩週內賣光,更讓許多部落客心喜。您只要上網搜尋 "gOS walmart" 就會找到很多文章。

上面的故事您可能早就熟悉了,但您可知道 gOS 和台灣有很深的淵源?gOS 的 CEO David Liu 據說經常奔波於台灣和矽谷之間,而

gOS 的主要成員也是分佈在這兩地。您可以在 gOS 公司的官方網站 http://www.thinkgos.com/ 查到更多資料。

這個禮拜二(二月三日)我們請到 gOS 的開發者 Fred 來和大家分享新版 gOS 的新玩意,以下是 Fred 提供的簡介和大綱。


時間:  2009/2/3 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料

主題:  雲朵般的 gOS

主講人: Fred

語言:  中文

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )  *地下室*


注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


簡介:在國內,大多人只知道 gOS 是個類 Mac 的 Linux, 卻不了解到底 gOS 是怎樣的東西, 所以這次主要是介紹 gOS

一路來的發展和特色, 以及面對用戶群和市場改變後, 未來的計畫和有趣的實作。


- gOS 簡介

  * 由來和歷史

  * 特色

  * 目前情況

  * 新的方向

- gOS 的新方向

  * gOS 的雲端運算

  * gOS 的觀念

      * Fastboot Linux

      * Fast to use

      * 與 Windows 共舞



Happy Chinese New Year!

You may have heard about the Walmart $199 PC and its Linux-based

operating system gOS back in November 2007. Do you know that the key

members of gOS are in California and Taipei? You can find more about

gOS on its web site http://www.thinkgos.com/.

We'll have Fred this Tuesday (Feb 3) to talk about the new development

of gOS. Fred is a gOS developer. The following is a translation of his

abstract and outline.


Time:  2009/2/3 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm.

Topic: Cloud-like gOS

Speaker: Fred

Language: Chinese

Place: *Basement* of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )


Abstract: Most people in Taiwan only know that gOS is a Linux that

looks like Mac, but don't know what it really is. I'll describe the

features and development of gOS, and future plans and interesting

implementations to adopt to the changing users and market.


- Introduce gOS

  * How it came to be and history

  * Features

  * Current progress

  * New directions

- New gOS solution

  * gOS's Cloud Computing

  * Concept

      * Fastboot Linux

      * Fast to use

      * Dances with Windows




星期一, 1月 12, 2009

【1/13 TOSSUG 心得分享】pingooo: 閒聊煩碼丟掉、疣碼砍掉、爛碼清掉後的 Python - Python 3.0

[English below]

2009 年開始了,您有什麼新希望?在此先祝您新年快樂!

不時會請大家吃閉門羹當晚餐,我們從 2009 年起回到 Mix Coffee &

Tea 聚會。平時在二樓(比較寬敞),有主題心得分享時在地下室(比較安靜)。目前地下室是吸菸區,2009/1/11



Python 3.0 在萬眾期盼下於 2008/12/3 發佈了!這是一個斷代版本,和之前 2.x 系列不相容,主要是把一些舊版

Python 中知名的煩碼丟掉、疣碼砍掉、爛碼清掉("by and large, we're mostly fixing

well-known annoyances and warts, and removing a lot of old cruft." -

Guido van Rossum)。我會用一些例子把主要的改變和大家分享。


- Guido 寫的 "What's New in Python 3.0"


- 我的筆記 http://pingyeh.blogspot.com/2008/12/python-30.html


時間:  2009/1/13 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料

主題:  Python 3.0 閒聊

主講人: pingooo

語言:  中文

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea 地下室 (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea)

最低消費:糟糕不記得了... 一百多元的樣子   :p

注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。



- Python 是什麼?能吃嗎?

- Python 3.0 的眾好物

- 實例

- 你該用 Python 2.x 還是 Python 3.0?


Happy New Year! What' your wishes for 2009?

Please let me report to you a change of meeting place. Because

Vegabond Cafe sometimes are closed without advanced notice, we are

moving to Mix Coffee & Tea. We'll usually meet in the second floor

because it is roomier, but use the basement for talks because it is


The following is the annoucement for the talk next week.

After much anticipation, Python 3.0 was released on December 3, 2008.

This version is intentionally incompatible with 2.x versions. Let me

quote Guido van Rossum, Python's inventor: "by and large, we're mostly

fixing well-known annoyances and warts, and removing a lot of old

cruft." I'll share with audiences the major changes and some example



- Guido's "What's New in Python 3.0"


- My notes in Chinese: http://pingyeh.blogspot.com/2008/12/python-30.html


Time:  2009/1/13 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm.

Topic: Chitchat on Python 3.0 - the one with some annoyances, warts

and crufts removed

Speaker: pingooo

Language: Chinese

Place: Basement of Mix Coffee and Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea)



- What's Python? Oh, it's a snake! No, it's a TV show! No, it's a

popular computer language!

- Goodies of Python 3.0

- Example codes

- Should you use Python 2.x or Python 3.0?


