[English below]
2008 年的第四場心得分享,將由 Eddy Chang 帶領大家進入用 Joomla! 快速開發網站的世界。
Joomla! 是用 PHP 寫成的內容管理系統(CMS),以 GPL 條款釋出。在一九九〇年代後半段,PHP 以內嵌在 HTML
的方式崛起,很容易在原本靜態的 HTML
大約在 2001 年 internet
泡沫破滅的同時或之後,或許是開發成本的考量,越來越多人開始注意網站程式的重複利用性,在桌面系統開發領域行之有年的 MVC -
Model/View/Control 的開發模式逐漸受到重視,越來越多的網站開發系統開始採用 MVC,但在採用的語言(computer
language)、整體架構(framework)、資料模型(data model)等處各有擅場、優劣互見。
在 2006 年底 Packt publishing 為了選出最佳的 CMS,接受公眾提名了五個開放原始碼的 CMS:
Drupal、e107、Joomla!、Plone 和 XOOPS,在十一月的公眾和評審投票之後,Joomla! 以一票之差險勝
Drupal,榮獲第一。不過 2007 年 Drupal 反敗為勝擠下 Joomla! 成為最佳整體 CMS,但 Joomla! 在最佳
PHP CMS 項目中又打敗 Drupal 獲得第一,可見這兩套軟體真是難分軒輊啊!
Eddy 自 Joomla! 的前身 Mambo 時期就開始參與中文化的工作,現在是 Joomla! 中文翻譯的主持人。Eddy 用
Joomla! 打造過不少網站,如
Joomla! 體驗。
時間: 2008/2/26 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm - 8:45pm。
主題: Joomla! 1.5 Framework
分享人: Eddy Chang
語言: 中文
地點: 伯朗咖啡館南京二店(http://wiki.tossug.org/Mr.BrownCoffee)
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
* 綜覽 Joomla! 1.5 的架構
* Model/View/Control 和 Design Pattern
* Ajax 功能
* 其他新功能
* 實作範例
The fourth talk of the year 2008 will be given by Eddy Chang to bring
you into the world of rapid web development with Joomla! 1.5
Joomla! is a content management system (CMS) written in PHP, released
in GPL. PHP grabbed the attention of many web developers in late 1990s
with its "embedding code in HTML" paradigm. With PHP, it became easy
to add dynamic features like variable substitution, loops, themes into
originally static HTML pages. It is the most popular open source
language for web development. There are many PHP developers in Taiwan,
Around or after the internet bubble burst in 2001, more and more
people value the re-usability of web programs - maybe for cost
considerations. More and more web development system adopted the MVC
design (Model/View/Control) used in desktop system for years. For
better or worse, different systems may take different approaches to
select computer language, framework and data model.
Packt publishing initiated an award for best open source CMS in 2006.
Five projects were nominated: Drupal, e107, Joomla!, Plone and XOOPS.
After voting by public and selected judges, Joomla! beat Drupal to the
top by 1 vote. In 2007 Drupal won the best overall CMS award, but
Joomla! beat Drupal again for the best CMS written in PHP. Drupal and
Joomla! are really neck and neck in this race.
Eddy has been involved in the translation work of Mambo, the previous
incarnation of Joomla!. He is the current maintainer of the
Traditional Chinese translation of Joomla!. Eddy has developed many
web sites using Joomla!: Kirin beer, hihosting, www.realbeauty.com.tw,
etc. I'm sure he'll bring his massive experience to the talk.
Time: 2008/2/26 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 8:45pm.
Topic: Joomla! 1.5 Framework
Speaker: Eddy Chang
Language: Chinese
Place: Mr. Brown Coffee, Store #2 on Nanjing East Road.
1. Framework Overview
2. MVC and Design Pattern
3. Ajax Feature
4. Other New Feature
5. Sample Implementation