星期一, 8月 13, 2007

【8/14 TOSSUG 心得分享】Arne Götje: CJK-Unifonts NG (Next Generation)

[English below]
新的分享時間又到了,這週 Arne Götje (高盛華) 先生要解說他的 CJK-Unifonts

時間:  2007/8/14 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm - 9:00pm,聊天時間到打烊為止。
主題:  CJK-Unifonts NG (Next Generation)
分享人: Arne Götje (高盛華)
地點:  魯米爺咖啡( http://wiki.tossug.org/CafeLumiere
有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

跟筆劃不全然相同,所以很難做出一套完全適合各地區口味 Unicode 的字型。有
個叫 TrueType Collections (TTC) 的技術,雖然本來是由 Microsoft 提出的,

這個分享會將重心放在如何在 CJK-Unifonts 計畫內使用 TTC 技術,也會展示即
This week, Arne Götje, a ubuntu developer, also the CJK-Unifonts project
founder will talk about next generation of CJK-Unifonts.

Topic: CJK-Unifonts NG (Next Generation)
Speaker: Arne Götje
Time: 7:30pm 14 Aug (Tue)
Place: Cafe Lumiere (map at http://wiki.tossug.org/CafeLumiere)

Since CJK users in different regions use sometimes different glyph
shapes for the same character, it is very difficult to implement true
Pan-CJK Unicode fonts. One method is called TrueType Collections (TTC),
originally introduced by Microsoft, now this technology is also
available for the OpenSource world.
The talk will focus about the TTC technology and how this will be
implemented into the CJK-Unifonts project. It will also give a preview
of the upcoming release, which will use this technology to fulfill the
goal of being a set of Pan-CJK Unicode fonts.

