星期日, 6月 10, 2007

【6/12 TOSSUG 心得分享】 魔法設計師、Yap、Sam 「組字的核心:字的結構」

[English below]


魔法設計師在 OSDC.tw 研討會現場示範了動態組字的 Java 程式,

魔法設計師、Yap 和 Sam 將來和大家談談,他們要讓動態組字的技術


1. 為何有缺字問題:Yap(剎那搜尋工坊技術長)
2. 組字基礎的資料表示法:MGdesigner
3. 字形產生器:MGdesigner
4. 字形產生器結合跟系統元件接合:Yap
5. 排序與輸入法:Sam(陳爽,FIG,台灣Forth學會會長)


為了有最安靜的心得分享空間,請儘量在 6:00pm 到場找位子用餐,讓魯米爺

時間:  2007/6/12 星期二,分享時間 7:00pm - 9:00pm,聊天時間到打烊為止。
主題:  組字的核心:字的結構
分享人: 魔法設計師、Yap、Sam
地點:  Cafe Lumiere( http://wiki.tossug.org/CafeLumiere
有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
報名:  http://wiki.tossug.org/SignUp


MGdesigner demonstrated his Java program for composing partial
characters into arbitrary Chinese characters in the OSDC.tw
conference. It intrigued many people. If the technology can
be widely deployed in operating systems, it will become usable
by everyone, and the problem of missing characters is solved
once and for all!

Next Tuesday MdDesigner, Yap and Sam will talk about their
ambition of doing so. The core technologies, including human
input, data storage, sorting and rendering, have a lot of work
to do and many new issues to solve. If you are interested in
participation in the development of this exciting technology,
don't miss the talk!

The talk will be given in Chinese. The following is the outline.

1. Why are there missing characters? -- Yap
2. The basic data representation of compositions -- MGdesigner
3. The glyph generator: MGdesigner
4. Connecting the glyph generator to system components: Yap
5. Sorting and input: Sam

Please try to arrive at 6:00pm so the staff of the Cafe can
finish their kitchen work by the time the talk starts.

Speaker: MGdesigner, Yap and Sam
Topic: The structure of characters: core of character composition
Web: http://groups.google.com.tw/group/zhongwentw?hl=zh-TW
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm June 12 (Tue)
Place: Cafe Lumiere (http://wiki.tossug.org/CafeLumiere)
Free wireless access is available.
Sign up: http://wiki.tossug.org/SignUp
