星期日, 3月 27, 2011

[3/29 TOSSUG] Roger Dingledine : Tor 匿名系統的討論

[English below]
** 歡迎轉寄 **
美國國防部和電子前鋒基金會(Electronic Frontier Foundation)有什麼相似之處?這兩個單位都資助了 Tor 計劃 ( http://torproject.org ) 的開發。Tor 是個用自由軟體打造的網路,能讓全球各地網民匿名安全上網。2300 位志願者為至少五十萬 Tor 線上使用者轉接流量,這些人包含想避免身份遭盜竊的一般市民、及那些想要私下窺探競爭對手網站的企業、全世界的部落客和行動主義者、在中東地區想要連上家鄉伺服器的士兵和醫護人員不用害怕受到人身攻擊。
我將介紹 Tor 的架構,並說明使用者使用它的原因,以及它所提供的安全性,然後我們將開放討論關於開放研究的問題、更廣泛的社會影響、圍繞在中國的審查跟規避的問題、還有其它聽眾想要討論的議題。
Roger Dingledine 是 Tor 計劃主持人,Tor 是一個美國非盈利計劃,主要為多家組織作匿名技術的研發,像是美國之聲(Voice of America)、美國海軍、電子前鋒基金會(Electronic Frontier Foundation)。Roger 除了 Tor 計劃外,他也組織匿名系統學術研討會,在許多不同的行業和駭客研討中演說,並且為國內外的執法單位做匿名系統的教學。

報名: http://registrano.com/events/8cdf5f 
時間: 2011/03/29 星期二,活動時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場 
主題: Tor 匿名系統的討論 
主講人:Roger Dingledine 
語言: 英文 
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea ) 
消費: 店家的低銷兩百元以下,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。 
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

*** Please feel free to circulate. ***
What do the United States Department of Defense and the Electronic Frontier Foundation have in common? They have both funded the development of Tor (http://torproject.org ), a free-software anonymizing network that helps people around the world use the Internet in safety. Tor's 2300 volunteer relays carry traffic for perhaps half a million concurrent users including ordinary citizens who want protection from identity theft and prying corporations, corporations who want to look at a competitor's website in private, bloggers and activists around the world, and soldiers and aid workers in the Middle East who need to contact their home servers without fear of physical harm.
I'll give an overview of the Tor architecture, and talk about who uses it and why, and what security it provides. Then we can open it up for discussion about open research questions, wider social implications, censorship and circumvention questions around China, and other topics the audience wants to consider.
Roger Dingledine is project leader for The Tor Project, a US non-profit working on anonymity research and development for such diverse organizations as Voice of America, the U.S. Navy, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In addition to all the hats he wears for Tor, Roger organizes academic conferences on anonymity, speaks at a wide variety of industry and hacker conferences, and also does tutorials on anonymity for national and foreign law enforcement.

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/8cdf5f
Time: 2011/03/29 (Tuesday), discussion starts at 7:30pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: A discussion about the Tor anonymity system
Speaker: Roger Dingledine 
Language: English
Place: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: Some fee requested by restaurant below NTD 200. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期三, 3月 09, 2011

[TOSSUG 03/15(二)] sleepnova: 開發工具之我見 - 廣義開發工具雜談 <活動取消>

Sorry, we have to cancel this sharing talk because the speaker is occupied by some urgency.
We still have regular meeting.

[English below]


** 歡迎轉寄 **



這次想跟大家分享的就是我在這條路上探尋的一些心得和發現,內容可能會牽涉到有關開發工具的演進、語言特性、一些開發上面較煩人的問題討論 (比如變數命名,文件...etc)、開發工具類型比較、視覺化開發工具 (人機) 與 web 化開發工具等等。

因為是針對開發問題的開放式探尋,所以牽涉到的議題比較廣也比較雜 (發散),借此機會拋磚引玉,希望同樣對此問題有興趣的人一起來共襄盛舉。

Freelance Consultant
  • Eclipse plug-in development/consulting - AndesTech Corp.
  • Android application development/consulting - KKBOX Inc.
  • Web-side development - Nokia Siemens, CHT

報名: http://registrano.com/events/d5ae4e
時間: 2011/03/15 星期二,活動時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場

主題: 開發工具之我見 - 廣義開發工具雜談
主講人:周立瑋 (sleepnova)
語言: 中文
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費: 店家的低銷兩百元以下,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。


*** Please feel free to circulate. ***

Did you ever wonder why it’s so difficult to develop programs? Writing the first lines of code right from the start is a series of errors. Even very experienced veterans continue to suffer a variety of small mistakes. This problem has plagued me and led me to pursue the development of better development tools, development processes, or even better languages.

I would like to share my road of exploring some of the ideas and my discoveries. I’ll talk about the following topics in this talk: the evolution of development tools, language features, a number of development issues discussed above, some annoyances (such as variable naming, documentation, etc), comparison of different types of development tools, visual development tools (human machine interface) and web development tools.

It will be an exploration. The issues involved are broad and diverse to intrigue the audience for further discussions.

Freelance Consultant
  • Eclipse plug-in development/consulting - AndesTech Corp.
  • Android application development/consulting - KKBOX Inc.
  • Web-side development - Nokia Siemens, CHT

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/d5ae4e
Time: 2011/03/15 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm

Topic: my development tools - general development tools gossip
Speaker: sleepnova
Language: Chinese
Place: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: Some fee requested by restaurant below NTD 200. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.