星期四, 9月 09, 2010

【9/14 TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會】Timothy–File API 與 AJAX 檔案上傳

[English Below]

使用 AJAX 的方式上傳檔案可說是 Rich Web App 的最後一塊拼圖,長久以來一直仰賴 iframe 或是 SWFUpload
之類的 Flash 外掛補完,直到近期現代瀏覽器才提供相關的 API 可供利用。
這次的讀書會,講者將介紹使用 HTML5 各 API 來製作 AJAX 檔案上傳控制項,以及不同版本瀏覽器的實作方式、功能偵測與 graceful degradation。

時間: 2010/09/14 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: File API 與 AJAX 檔案上傳
主講人: timdream
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

The ability to send files using the AJAX way is one of the last
missing piece to complete the map of rich web application controls.
For a long time, we often rely on SWFUpload or iframe to do the job -
until recent HTML5 APIs implementation in modern browsers.
This week, the speaker will talk about his research on implementing
these APIs to build an AJAX file upload control, while carefully walk
through feature detection and graceful degradation.

The talk will be given in Mandarin. English talk can be given with
audience consensus.

Keywords: Ajax File upload, FileReader, FormData, binary XHR, DragDrop API

Registration: http://registrano.com/events/226a30

Time: 2010/09/14 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: File API and AJAX Upload
Speaker: timdream
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.