星期五, 6月 18, 2010

【06/22 TOSSUG 心得分享】ericsk –Geolocation API & CSS3 Visual

[English Below]

HTML5 的出現,帶給網頁設計許多新的可能性,而強化頁面顯示、互動效果的 CSS3 也因
此吸引到網頁開發者的注意。過去可能要透過貼圖、外掛、JavaScript 才能做到的效果
,在支援 CSS3 的先進瀏覽器下可能只需兩三行的 CSS code 就可完成。這場演講主要在
向各位展示如何利用 CSS3 製作更生動的網頁介面。
另外同場加映 HTML5 中的 Geolocation API 的介紹,說明如何利用這套 API 達到開發
LBS 應用程式的目的。

. Geolocation API 介紹

. CSS 歷史簡介

. CSS3 視覺效果 - 漸層 (gradient) - 反射 (reflection) - 過場特效
(transition) - 形變 (transform) - 動畫 (animation)

. 範例及展示



時間: 2010/06/22 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場

主題: Geolocation API & CSS3 Visual Effects

主講人: ericsk (上官先生)

語言:  中文

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,

有名片的朋友記得帶到。注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

報名人數限制:60人 超過者得待以報名者進入場地允許方可入

As HTML5 topics become more popular, the effect made by CSS3 alsoattracts
people's eyes. Without CSS3, some visual effects (e.g.,transition, gradient,
...) should be implemented in plugins, images and so on. Now, you can use
CSS3 to create these effectswith few lines of codes in modern browsers. This
talk will introducehow to use CSS3 to present visual effects.
In addition, I will introduce the Geolocation API. It's usefulfor
implementing LBS applications.

. Geolocation API

. CSS intro

. CSS3 Visual Effects - gradient - reflection - transition - transform -

. Samples and Demos


Registration: http://registrano.com/events/b940e5

Time: 2010/06/08 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm

Topic:Geolocation API & CSS3 Visual Effects

Speaker: ericsk (上官先生)

Language: Chinese

Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )

Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.

Notice: Free WiFi is available.

星期六, 6月 05, 2010

【06/08 TOSSUG 心得分享】freedom - HTML5 A/V: 《黃昏三鏢客》

為什麼賈伯斯說 Flash 該死,將來是 HTML5 的時代?
這是第一場 HTML5 的讀書會,所以身為第一場主講,我會簡單描述
HTML5 的概觀:HTML5 將如何改變你的生活?
接著談論主題,HTML5 <video>。討論會從最簡單的
<video src=foo.mp4> </video> example 開始。

最後你會知道 <video> 這功能有多強大、多花俏,
只需要幾行 JavaScript 就可以達成。我還會談論到
如何在 iPhone/iPad, Android 使用 <video>。

目前 HTML5 槓上 Flash 的話題非常的火爆,我們也會
談論到。或許 還會聊到 WebM 的八卦?

題目:HTML5 A/V: 《黃昏三鏢客》The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
-HTML5 概觀
-HTML5 VS. Flash
-HTML5 <video>功能
-HTML5 在iPhone/iPad與Android的實做

時間:    2010/06/08 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:    HTML5 A/V: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
主講人:  freedom (Dr. Tan)
語言:  中文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。



HTML5 A/V: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
This is the first meeting of this HTML5 reading group, so
as the first discussion leader, I'll give a brief overview of
HTML5, such as, what HTML5 is and why HTML5 is
gonna change your lives.

Then I'll talk about HTML5 <video>. The discussion will
start from a simple <video src=foo.mp4> </video> example.

Finally, you will know how to have some fancy <video>
playback with just few lines of JavaScript. I'll also cover
how <video> works on iPhone/iPad and Android.

Since HTML5 versus Flash is still hot, we'll cover it a bit.
And maybe mumble about WebM?
- HTML5 Overview
- HTML5 VS. Flash
- HTML5 <video> function
- HTML5 Example on iPhone/iPad and Android

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/bdb4aa
Time:  2010/06/08 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: HTML5 A/V: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Parts
Speaker: freedom (Dr. Tan)
Language: Chinese
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.


Koan-Sin Tan is a veteran open source / unix user. He learnt to use
simple Basic programs on Multitech MPF-II (宏碁 小教授二號) in
early 1980s, then learnt to use and write code for Unix on a VAX-11/780
running 4.3BSD in late 1980s. He was involved in organizing the
first two Open Source Workshop (which became ICOS Taiwan) in
1999 and 2000.