[English below]
你想用 iPhone 或 Android 手機遙控家裡的電器嗎?
感謝 wycc 的介紹,我們很高興邀請到 openremote.org 的 Juha Lindfors [1] 來 Tossug,親自向大家介紹 openremote.org 這個開放源碼專案。
demo: http://www.youtube.com/user/openremote#p/a/u/0/kOp07U82cRs
Juha Lindfors 目前熱血在衝居家自動化的開放源碼軟體,在加入 openremote.org 之前,他是 JBoss [2] 的核心開發者,身兼 JBoss 顧問、講者和 JBoss 訓練單位的協理,還行有餘力出了一本 Java Management Extensions 的書 [3]。
打造「智慧住家」(Smart Home)所需的居家自動化技術,目前多半用的是專屬的技術和協定,缺乏互通和替換性。因為廠商想要把顧客鎖在他們自家的產品裡,顧客很難自行客製化或擴充產品的功能,這常常造成裝機成本的上升。
OpenRemote 是個用 GPL 授權釋出的開放源碼專案,想要打造一個居家自動化的自由開放平台。它是基於 Linux 和 Java runtime 的一個中介軟體,可以在一般 PC 上執行。OpenRemote 社群把好幾種居家自動化的協定和設備整合起來,希望能解放智慧住家的真正潛力,而且讓一般人都負擔得起。
Juha 將會從基本的居家自動化開始講,並把 OpenRemote 專案的現況介紹給大家。
時間: 2010/03/2 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: Introduction to the openremote project
主講人: Juha Lindfors
語言: 英文
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費: 200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
[1] Home page: http://www.juhalindfors.com/
[2] JBoss project page: http://www.jboss.org/
[3] JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions, http://www.amazon.com/JMX-Managing-J2EE-Management-Extensions/dp/0672322889/ref=sr_1_3
We're happy to have Juha Lindfors [1] for the next Tossug experience sharing. He'll speak on "Introduction to the openremote project".
Juha is working in the home automation field and starting up http://www.openremote.org. Earlier he was involved with JBoss [2] as one of the core server developers, a JBoss consultant, an instructor and a JBoss training director. At some point he also managed to author a book on Java Management Extensions [3].
Registration: http://registrano.com/events/8e93da
Time: 2010/3/2 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: Introduction to the openremote project
Speaker: Juha Lindfors
Language: English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.
Abstract of the talk:
OpenRemote is an Open Source effort to create an open and free platform for home automation. The smart homes of today are mostly based on proprietary technology and protocols that lack interoperability. This is driving up the cost of installation as vendors attempt to lock their customers into solutions that are difficult to extend and customize.
OpenRemote is a software stack based on Linux and Java runtime installable on commodity PC hardware and under the GPL license. Our community integrates various home automation protocols and devices under a single, open platform. The goal is to unlock the true potential of smart homes at affordable prices. This talk gives an introduction to home automation and the current state of the OpenRemote project.
[1] Home page: http://www.juhalindfors.com/
[2] JBoss project page: http://www.jboss.org/
[3] JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions, http://www.amazon.com/JMX-Managing-J2EE-Management-Extensions/dp/0672322889/ref=sr_1_3
你想用 iPhone 或 Android 手機遙控家裡的電器嗎?
感謝 wycc 的介紹,我們很高興邀請到 openremote.org 的 Juha Lindfors [1] 來 Tossug,親自向大家介紹 openremote.org 這個開放源碼專案。
demo: http://www.youtube.com/user/openremote#p/a/u/0/kOp07U82cRs
Juha Lindfors 目前熱血在衝居家自動化的開放源碼軟體,在加入 openremote.org 之前,他是 JBoss [2] 的核心開發者,身兼 JBoss 顧問、講者和 JBoss 訓練單位的協理,還行有餘力出了一本 Java Management Extensions 的書 [3]。
打造「智慧住家」(Smart Home)所需的居家自動化技術,目前多半用的是專屬的技術和協定,缺乏互通和替換性。因為廠商想要把顧客鎖在他們自家的產品裡,顧客很難自行客製化或擴充產品的功能,這常常造成裝機成本的上升。
OpenRemote 是個用 GPL 授權釋出的開放源碼專案,想要打造一個居家自動化的自由開放平台。它是基於 Linux 和 Java runtime 的一個中介軟體,可以在一般 PC 上執行。OpenRemote 社群把好幾種居家自動化的協定和設備整合起來,希望能解放智慧住家的真正潛力,而且讓一般人都負擔得起。
Juha 將會從基本的居家自動化開始講,並把 OpenRemote 專案的現況介紹給大家。
時間: 2010/03/2 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: Introduction to the openremote project
主講人: Juha Lindfors
語言: 英文
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費: 200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
[1] Home page: http://www.juhalindfors.com/
[2] JBoss project page: http://www.jboss.org/
[3] JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions, http://www.amazon.com/JMX-Managing-J2EE-Management-Extensions/dp/0672322889/ref=sr_1_3
We're happy to have Juha Lindfors [1] for the next Tossug experience sharing. He'll speak on "Introduction to the openremote project".
Juha is working in the home automation field and starting up http://www.openremote.org. Earlier he was involved with JBoss [2] as one of the core server developers, a JBoss consultant, an instructor and a JBoss training director. At some point he also managed to author a book on Java Management Extensions [3].
Registration: http://registrano.com/events/8e93da
Time: 2010/3/2 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: Introduction to the openremote project
Speaker: Juha Lindfors
Language: English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee&Tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.
Abstract of the talk:
OpenRemote is an Open Source effort to create an open and free platform for home automation. The smart homes of today are mostly based on proprietary technology and protocols that lack interoperability. This is driving up the cost of installation as vendors attempt to lock their customers into solutions that are difficult to extend and customize.
OpenRemote is a software stack based on Linux and Java runtime installable on commodity PC hardware and under the GPL license. Our community integrates various home automation protocols and devices under a single, open platform. The goal is to unlock the true potential of smart homes at affordable prices. This talk gives an introduction to home automation and the current state of the OpenRemote project.
[1] Home page: http://www.juhalindfors.com/
[2] JBoss project page: http://www.jboss.org/
[3] JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions, http://www.amazon.com/JMX-Managing-J2EE-Management-Extensions/dp/0672322889/ref=sr_1_3