星期五, 10月 31, 2008

【11/4 TOSSUG 心得分享】ericsk: Google App Engine Oil

[English below]

在 #python.tw irc 頻道上有人說過:「有了機油引擎才會跑得順」。

很高興這個禮拜二我們請到 GAEO 的作者 ericsk 來向大家介紹他專為 Google App Engine 設計的機油,啊不是,是
Model-View-Controller 的開發介面。

App Engine 是今年 Google 釋出的 open source project,用它寫的 web 程式可以上傳到 Google
的 App Engine 平台執行,不用自己架伺服器就可以提供大規模的 web 服務。App Engine SDK 目前支援的語言是
Python,但沒有 MVC 的架構,ericsk 的 GAEO 就是為了補強這部分而設計的。對網站開發、App Engine 或是 MVC

有現成的投影機、無線網路速度優、場地大小適中、低消只要 100

時間:  2008/11/4 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料
主題:  GAEO(跟我唸一遍:尬意喔)
主講人: ericsk
語言:  中文
地點:  流浪觀點 (http://wiki.tossug.org/%E6%B5%81%E6%B5%AA%E8%A7%80%E9%BB%9E )
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

 1. 簡介 Google App Engine
 2. GAEO 的開發動機
 3. GAEO 的現在 (version 0.1)
 4. GAEO 的未來 (version 0.2 and 0.3)
 5. 使用 GAEO 的方式
 6. 結論



I'm happy to announce that we'll have ericsk, the main developer of
GAEO, to talk about GAEO next Tuesday.

GAEO stands for Google App Engine Oil. It provides a
Model-View-Controller architecture on top of Google App Engine's open
source Python APIs. App Engine is a hosting service for web
applications provided by Google so application developers don't have
to set up his/her own server hardware/OS/apache. If you are interested
in App Engine, Python or MVC, make sure you arrive early. The seats
are limited.

Time:  2008/11/4 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm.
Topic: GAEO
Speaker: ericsk
Language: Chinese
Place: Vagabond Cafe (http://wiki.tossug.org/Vagabond_Cafe)

 1. Introduction to Google App Engine
 2. Motivation of developing GAEO
 3. What's available in GAEO now (version 0.1)
 4. Roadmap of GAEO (version 0.2 and 0.3)
 5. The way to develop with GAEO
 6. Conclusions

星期日, 10月 05, 2008

【10/7 TOSSUG 心得分享】LXDE

[English below]

很高興這個禮拜二我們請到 LXDE 團隊的 Mario 和 Fred 來向大家介紹前一陣子去舊金山 LinuxWorld 參展的 LXDE

Project。LXDE = Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment,是個輕量級的 X11

桌面環境,速度快,需要的記憶體和 CPU 資源少,適合在 netbook、行動上網裝置(MID)或較舊的電腦上使用,

Ubuntu、Debian 等發行套件裡,支援多個語系,原始碼部分以 GPL 部分以 LGPL 授權,細節可以在

http://lxde.org/ 網站找到。

經過上週二的探路,這週二我們繼續去《流浪觀點》。流浪觀點離捷運士林站近、有現成的投影機、無線網路速度不錯、場地大小適中、低消只要 100



時間:  2008/10/7 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料

主題:  LXDE

主講人: Mario Behling, Fred Chien

語言:  Mario 用英文簡介,Fred 用中文談技術部分

地點:  流浪觀點 (http://wiki.tossug.org/%E6%B5%81%E6%B5%AA%E8%A7%80%E9%BB%9E )


注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。



 1. 什麼是 LXDE:小而快的桌面環境,可取代 Gnome 或 KDE,持續開發中

 2. 誰開發了 LXDE:在台灣的創始成員,世界各地的社群朋友

 3. 誰用了 LXDE:一些 netbook,並介紹 LXDEsystems 公司

 4. LXDE 的技術:由 Fred 介紹 LXDE 背後的技術原理


 * LXDE 社群: http://lxde.org

 * 畫面快照: http://screenshots.lxde.org

 * LXDEsystems 公司: http://lxdesystems.com

 * 專案網站: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lxde/

 * 媒體報導: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/In_the_Media



I'm happy to announce that we'll have Mario and Fred of the LXDE team

to talk about LXDE, or Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. More

details below.

Some of us went to the Vagabond Cafe last week, I have to say I like

this place. It is close to an MRT station (Shilin), projector-ready,

acceptable wireless connection, proper size, and good food. In

summary, it is probably the best place we've found so far. We'll be

there again this week.


Time:  2008/10/7 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm.

Topic: LXDE

Speaker: Mario Behling, Fred Chien

Language: English (Mario) and Chinese (Fred)

Place: Vagabond Cafe (http://wiki.tossug.org/Vagabond_Cafe)



LXDE, or "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment", is an extremely fast,

performing and energy saving Linux desktop environment maintained by

an international community of developers. It comes with a beautiful

interface, multi-language support, standard keyboard short cuts and

additional features like tabbed file browsing. LXDE uses less CPU and

less RAM. It is especially designed for computers with low hardware

specifications like netbooks, mobile internet devices (MIDs) or older

computers. LXDE can be installed with distributions like Ubuntu or

Debian. Applications running on these systems will run with LXDE. The

source code of LXDE is licensed partly under the terms of the General

Public License and partly under the LGPL.


1. What is LXDE

 A. A software project with the goals and design principles for a

faster, performing and energy saving desktop environment

 B. A desktop drop in replacement for GNOME and KDE with independent

components as an efficient way to achieve the goals of the project

 C. A continuous development project for a simpler desktop with a

thought through future roadmap

2. Who develops LXDE

 A. The founding developers of LXDE from Taiwan

 B. Contributors from all over the world who joined development and

collaborate over the Internet

 C. People who believe in freedom and join the community

3. Which companies and projects use LXDE

 A. Several netbook projects use LXDE or LXDE components

 B. First companies from the US started to explore the commercial

opportunities with LXDE, LXDEsystems is the company that includes most

of the developers and the founder of the project known as PCMan

 C. LXDEsystems engages with hardware manufacturers and works on

goals and future roadmaps with them

4. What are the technical principles behind LXDE  (Presentation by Fred Chien)


LXDE Community: http://lxde.org

Screenshots: http://screenshots.lxde.org

LXDEsystems GbR: http://lxdesystems.com

Project Page on Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lxde/

LXDE in the media: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/In_the_Media


